In today's volatile financial environment, many savvy investors are turning to both Precious Metals and SMSFs to protect their long-term financial future. Because of recent events in Cyprus where Bank and Pension savings were partially confiscated, and in Poland where half the Government Pension Bonds were seized, long term collectors of Precious Metals are looking to further quarantine themselves from government debt and intervention. This concern is further amplified through the enactment of "bail-in" legislation here in Australia.
An SMSF, where currently a portion of the weekly salary must be invested in superannuation, is the perfect vehicle to purchase and store future investments outside of the banking system. The long-term nature of Superannuation marries itself strongly to the investment strategy of holding Gold and Silver.
Bullion List has a solid history of providing precious metals to both collectors and investors. We have partnered with several private vaults in major capital cities that will take delivery from Bullion List and store your purchases in discreet SMSF approved vaulted facilities, always ready for annual regulatory auditing.
There are a number of necessary steps required before a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund is fully compliant and ready to purchase Precious Metals. First the super fund is established through the legal requirement of an appropriate trust deed and a written investment strategy. Existing funds can then be rolled over into the new super fund. At this point, Bullion List can assist in the selection and purchase of Gold and Silver which are then stored and insured in a private vault.
Contact us to discuss how we can help you get started on your road to future security: or +61 2 9212 2438.
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